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Product: New Wooden Box Frames


Our box frames have received the makeover treatment after our previous supplier stopped their manufacture. Now our box frames are made from genuine wood and are beautifully stained a classic black. Our new frames are hand crafted in the UK which means our product is now completely made from components sourced within the United Kingdom.

Our previous box frame were imported and made from a heavier MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard) with a black plastic wrap. Our new wooden frames are lighter but strong and long lasting with a subtle grain finish. Wall fixing is easy with the supplied  centre fixing. Size wise there is very little difference. Our old frames were approximately 250mm x 250mm and 45mm deep. Our new frames are 260mm x260mm x 35mm.

Our new frames are either glazed with an ultra-high quality perspex front that’s both safe and clear for postal orders or with high quality glass for personal collection from either the studio or at an event.

Kenny Deane said: “Our previous MDF frames have been very popular and we were disappointed when they become unobtainable. Our new frames being made from real quality wood are less sensitive to the environment and have a much longer life. Since we changed frame supplier our new UK crafted frames have been an instant success and the difference not even noticed by many customers. Just please note that if you have any previous Kenny Deane vinyl art pieces our new vinyl art will look slightly different if placed side by side as part of a collection.”

Going forward we hope not to have to change box frame supplier on a regular basis but since the frames are externally sourced they may be subject  to change.


For further information about Kenny Deane’s Vinyl Art click here. For information on his latest work click here.

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1st December 2020. Kenny Deane PR00601126/2020

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